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User Raves! Tell us your success story!

So many of our Members have achieved such wonderful and lasting results with their Attitude Adjustment Device™ that they continue to inundate us with their letters.

Here are just a few of the many letters we have received:

Dear Mr. Crankless:
My office is the closest to the coffee room. All day, every day my co-workers felt the need to stop at my desk and dump their complaint d’jour on me. It only took a few deployments of the Device and now I have a wonderful, peaceful work environment. Now the Device simply sits on the front of my desk and when my colleagues stop by they make it a point to be cheerful, positive and all it takes is a glance at the Device to eliminate any backsliding. I adore my membership in the Society and recommend it to all my friends.

Positively Yours,
Belinda K.
Seattle, WA

Dear Society Board:
Holidays used to be a nightmare at our house. Kids screaming, relatives whining about the fact that they haven’t been able to upgrade their car from last year’s model, in-laws constantly criticizing. Since I started deploying the Device we actually have fun together, play games and have real conversations. What a delight! It has been so great I ordered Gift Memberships for everyone in the family and all my team at work. Thanks again.

Bob R.
Topeka, Kansas


My sister is always bitching about everything. She gets all the cool clothes but whined because her prom dress wasn’t perfect. She’s the most popular girl in school but freaks when she thinks she has a bad hair day. Get a clue! I thought the Attitude Adjustment Device™ would work. It took FOUR times! Now I live in a bitch free zone. Thanks Guys!

Jason Z.
Westchester, NY


Dear Society:
I am in the unfortunate circumstance of belonging to a Homeowners’ Association. A more self-serving, arrogant, rude and inconsiderate group of people is probably hard to find. My Attitude Adjustment Device™ arrived just in time for our latest Board Meeting and boy was I thrilled! At first the Board was not sure what to make of it. But each time they were rude to one of my fellow homeowners I simply stood up, with the Device raised in my hand and asked “Are you sure you wish to treat us in this manner?” It took them a few minutes to GET IT—but by the end of the meeting they were almost civil. After the meeting every single one of my fellow homeowners asked me to refer them to become new members of the Society. We are now forming a Local Chapter just for our Homeowners Association. Thanks and keep up the great work!

Carl W.
Concord, CA


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